Brett kavanaugh likes to have drunk gay sex

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That’s the number one law school in the country. Kavanaugh, floundering and seething at this suggestion, deflected: “I got into Yale Law School. I caught the first real whiff during Kavanaugh’s tense exchange with Senator Mazie Hirono, after the Democrat from Hawaii asked Kavanaugh if he’d been a heavy drinker in college. Kavanaugh never said this outright, but this odious misconception wafted through the subtext like a stale beer.

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In the Supreme Court nominee’s mind, someone like him - a Yale graduate, a golden man-child, a former football player - could never have a drinking problem. What really irked me, as a recovering alcoholic, was Kavanaugh’s repeated implications that his successes preclude a potential drinking problem. Nor was it Kavanaugh’s “One of my closest friends to this day is a woman who was sexually abused” remark, though that was something truly repulsive. And it wasn’t just for his grotesque display of white male rage at - the gall! - having to explain himself. Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony last week made me want to wretch.

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